+91 7666551666

About Us

SAMYAKA Bags (A unit of Code Connexions) was born in the year 2017 is a known manufacturer today of bags in India. The promoters of Code Bags were of the opinion bags of different types are in high demand in the market in India. Any person in India carries any types of bags wherever you travel in this country or worldwide.

In 2017, the promoter Mr. Sanjay Bose, an MBA with 27 years of professional experience in renowned corporate and having worked in various locations in the country came back to his hometown to start operations as a trader. In the year 2017, November Code Bags was formed to cater to the diverse and growing needs of the clients, Code Bags decided to establish their own production facility to produce quality bags.

Today Samyaka Bags (A unit of CODE CONNEXIONS) has a fully operational production facility producing the finest quality of jute bags, folders and accessories. Coupled with jute bags, we also manufacture cotton and canvas bags and accessories.


SAMAYAKA stands for customer satisfaction through innovations, development and partnerships. We, as a start-up look forward in partnership from various sources such as people investing in our organisation in achieving our goal and in return we provide them with good returns on their investment on their investments. Our goal is to serve for the betterment of the mankind. Our single minded mission is to strive and achieve greater heights through the active participation of our clients, our peers and partners. Our values are embedded to show the way to others that we earn and achieve greater heights together.


We at CODE CONNEXIONS and CODE BAGS strive to achieve a better and healthy environment for all citizens inhabiting our planet earth. Our motto Simplifying ideas is a step towards fulfilling the dreams of every person we come in contact in a simple and just manner. Our efforts have always been to benefit the people at large in turn growing ourselves. We would like to see that our organisation grows into an entity where people can grow with the company; other businesses should feel pride in engaging with us.
Currently CODE CONNEXIONS will convert itself as Private Limited organisation headquartered in Mumbai post November 30th 2020 but its production facility will remain in Kolkata and client's will be serviced from its Kolkata plant as Jute is found in abundance in this part of the country.